PE6RD-IVc-h-4 | Executes the different skills involved in the dance

PE6PF-IVb-h-20 | Displays joy of effort, respect for others during participation in physical activities


Dancing is a fun and exciting way to express yourself through movement. But did you know that dancing involves a lot more than just moving your body to the beat? There are many different skills involved in a dance that can make your performance more impressive and enjoyable. In this article, we will explore some of these skills.


Coordination: Dancing requires you to coordinate your movements with the music and with other dancers. You need to be able to move your body in sync with the rhythm and tempo of the music.


Balance: Many dance moves involve standing on one foot or shifting your weight from one foot to the other. Good balance is essential to maintain stability and prevent falls.


Flexibility: Dancing involves a lot of stretching and bending of the body. Being flexible helps you to perform dance moves that require a wide range of motion.


Strength: Dancing can be physically demanding, and some dance styles require a lot of strength. Having strong muscles can help you to execute dance moves with precision and power.


Endurance: Dancing can also be a great workout, and it requires a lot of energy. Having good endurance will help you to keep going throughout a dance performance without getting tired.


Timing: Timing is everything in dance. You need to be able to move your body in time with the music and with other dancers. This requires a good sense of rhythm and timing.


Creativity: Dancing is a form of art, and it allows you to express your creativity. You can create your own dance moves and add your personal style to your performance.


Focus: Dancing requires a lot of concentration and focus. You need to be able to remember choreography, coordinate your movements with others, and stay in time with the music.


Musicality: Musicality is the ability to interpret and express the music through your movements. It involves understanding the different elements of music, such as rhythm, melody, and dynamics.


Performance skills: Performing a dance is not just about executing the moves correctly. It also requires you to connect with the audience, convey emotion, and tell a story through your movements.


These are just some of the many skills involved in a dance. By working on these skills, you can improve your dance performance and take your dancing to the next level. Remember, dancing is not just about the steps; it's about the passion and joy that comes from moving your body to the music. So get out there and dance!




·         "The Five Basic Skills of Dance." The Dance World, The Dance World, 25 Aug. 2020,

·         "Dance Skills: What You Need to Succeed." Dance Magazine, Dance Media, 8 June 2020,

·         "Dance Skills: What You Need to Succeed." Dance Magazine, Dance Media, 8 June 2020,

·         "The Five Basic Skills of Dance." The Dance World, The Dance World, 25 Aug. 2020,



Direction: Write the correct letters of the correct answers.


1) What skill is required to coordinate your movements with the music and with other dancers in a dance performance?

A) Flexibility

B) Balance

C) Coordination

D) Strength


2) Which skill is necessary to maintain stability and prevent falls during a dance routine?

A) Endurance

B) Flexibility

C) Balance

D) Timing


3) Which of the following skills is required to perform dance moves with precision and power?

A) Creativity

B) Strength

C) Focus

D) Timing


4) What skill is necessary to keep going throughout a dance performance without getting tired?

A) Endurance

B) Coordination

C) Musicality

D) Balance


5) Which skill involves understanding the different elements of music, such as rhythm, melody, and dynamics?

A) Performance skills

B) Musicality

C) Focus

D) Creativity


6) What skill is essential to move your body in sync with the rhythm and tempo of the music?

A) Focus

B) Timing

C) Strength

D) Balance


7) Which of the following skills involves expressing your creativity in your dance moves?

A) Coordination

B) Endurance

C) Creativity

D) Strength


8) What skill requires you to connect with the audience, convey emotion, and tell a story through your movements?

A) Performance skills

B) Coordination

C) Balance

D) Flexibility


9) Which of the following skills is necessary to remember choreography and coordinate your movements with others in a dance performance?

A) Timing

B) Musicality

C) Focus

D) Endurance


10) What skill is necessary to perform dance moves that require a wide range of motion?

A) Strength

B) Flexibility

C) Creativity

D) Musicality





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