The Nature and Importance of First Aid

H5IS-IVa-34 - explains the nature and objectives of first aid



First aid is the immediate care given to a person who has been injured or is suddenly taken ill. The primary objective of first aid is to save lives and prevent the condition of the injured or ill person from getting worse. First aid can be given by anyone who is trained in basic techniques, and it can be performed with simple tools and materials.

The nature of first aid is based on the principle of ABC: airway, breathing, and circulation. This means that the first aider should ensure that the airway of the injured person is open and clear, that they are breathing properly, and that their heart is pumping blood to all parts of their body. If any of these functions are compromised, the first aider should take immediate action to address the issue.

Another important aspect of first aid is the management of bleeding and shock. Bleeding can be external or internal, and it can be life-threatening if it is not controlled. The first aider should apply direct pressure to the wound and elevate the injured body part if possible. Shock can occur as a result of severe bleeding, trauma, or a medical condition, and it can be fatal if not treated promptly. The first aider should keep the person warm, elevate their legs, and monitor their vital signs.

The objectives of first aid are to provide immediate assistance to the injured or ill person, to prevent the condition from getting worse, and to promote recovery. In addition to saving lives, first aid can also help to reduce pain and suffering, prevent complications, and promote healing. First aid can also be used to prevent further injury or illness, by identifying potential hazards and taking steps to eliminate them.

In order to be effective, first aid must be provided quickly and efficiently. This requires training and practice, as well as the availability of appropriate tools and materials. In some cases, first aid may be the only medical care that is available, so it is important to know how to provide it properly.

In conclusion, first aid is an essential part of emergency response, and it can make a significant difference in the outcome of an injury or illness. The nature of first aid is based on the principle of ABC, and the objectives are to save lives, prevent the condition from getting worse, and promote recovery. With proper training and practice, anyone can learn to provide effective first aid and help others in need.



  1. ·        First aid is the immediate care given to a person who has been injured or is suddenly taken ill.
  2. ·        The primary objective of first aid is to save lives and prevent the condition of the injured or ill person from getting worse.
  3. ·        First aid is based on the principle of ABC: airway, breathing, and circulation.
  4. ·        First aid can be given by anyone who is trained in basic techniques.
  5. ·        First aid can be performed with simple tools and materials.
  6. ·        The nature of first aid involves providing immediate assistance to the injured or ill person.
  7. ·        The objectives of first aid include preventing the condition from getting worse, promoting recovery, and reducing pain and suffering.
  8. ·        First aid can also help to prevent further injury or illness by identifying potential hazards and taking steps to eliminate them.
  9. ·        First aid can be used to treat a wide range of injuries and illnesses, from minor cuts and bruises to heart attacks and strokes.
  10. ·        First aid should be provided quickly and efficiently.
  12. ·        First aid should only be performed within the limits of the first aider's training and capabilities.
  13. ·        First aid may be the only medical care that is available in some situations.
  14. ·        First aid can help to stabilize the person's condition until medical help arrives.
  15. ·        Bleeding can be external or internal and can be life-threatening if not controlled.
  16. ·        Shock can occur as a result of severe bleeding, trauma, or a medical condition, and it can be fatal if not treated promptly.
  17. ·        The first aider should apply direct pressure to the wound and elevate the injured body part if possible to control bleeding.
  18. ·        The first aider should keep the person warm, elevate their legs, and monitor their vital signs to treat shock.
  19. ·        The first aider should use personal protective equipment, such as gloves, when providing first aid to prevent the spread of infection.
  20. ·        First aid training is widely available and can be completed in a short amount of time.
  21. ·        Learning basic first aid skills can help individuals to be better prepared to respond to emergencies and potentially save lives.



  • ·         American Red Cross. (2021). First Aid.
  • ·         St John Ambulance. (2021). First aid basics.
  • ·         World Health Organization. (2019). Basic first aid: A guide to action for emergencies.
  • ·         American Red Cross. (2021). First Aid.
  • ·         St John Ambulance. (2021). First aid basics.
  • ·         World Health Organization. (2019). Basic first aid: A guide to action for emergencies.
  • ·         National Safety Council. (2021). First Aid.
  • ·         Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). Basic First Aid for Medical Emergencies.
  • ·         Mayo Clinic. (2021). First Aid.
  • ·         National Safety Council. (2021). First Aid.



Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on your notebook:

1) What is the primary objective of first aid?

a. To prevent further injury

b. To reduce pain and suffering

c. To save lives and prevent the condition from getting worse

d. To promote recovery


2) What does the acronym ABC stand for in the context of first aid?

a. Airway, breathing, and circulation

b. Alertness, breathing, and comfort

c. Airway, blood pressure, and circulation

d. Alertness, blood pressure, and comfort


3. What is the nature of first aid?

a. It involves providing immediate assistance to the injured or ill person

b. It is a long-term medical treatment

c. It can only be performed by medical professionals

d. It requires advanced medical equipment


4) Who can provide first aid?

a. Only medical professionals

b. Only people with advanced training

c. Anyone who is trained in basic techniques

d. Only emergency responders


5. What should be the first step when providing first aid?

a. Check for consciousness

b. Call for medical help

c. Perform CPR

d. Assess the situation for potential hazards


6) How can bleeding be controlled during first aid?

a. Apply direct pressure to the wound and elevate the injured body part

b. Apply a tourniquet to the affected area

c. Apply ice to the affected area

d. Cover the wound with a bandage


7. Why is it important to use personal protective equipment when providing first aid?

a. To prevent the spread of infection

b. To protect the first aider from the injured or ill person

c. To protect the injured or ill person from further injury

d. To minimize the risk of allergic reactions


8) What are the potential hazards that the first aider should assess during the situation?

a. The presence of sharp objects

b. The presence of hazardous materials

c. The presence of live wires

d. All of the above


9. How can first aid help to promote recovery?

a. By reducing pain and suffering

b. By preventing further injury or illness

c. By stabilizing the person's condition until medical help arrives

d. All of the above


10. What are some measures that can be taken to prevent injury or illness in the first place?

a. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle

b. Taking appropriate safety precautions

c. Being aware of potential hazards

d. All of the above




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