by Pj Miana

MELC: MU6TX-IVa-b-1 - identifies the different tempo in a music


Music is an art form that has the power to move us emotionally and physically. One of the key components of music is tempo, which refers to the speed or pace at which a piece of music is played. Understanding the different tempos in music is important for musicians, dancers, and music enthusiasts alike. In this article, we will identify the different tempos in music.

Largo. Largo is a very slow tempo, with a range of 40-60 beats per minute. This tempo is often used in classical music and creates a peaceful, solemn mood.

Adagio. Adagio is a slow tempo, with a range of 66-76 beats per minute. This tempo is often used in ballet and creates a graceful, flowing mood.

Andante. Andante is a moderate tempo, with a range of 76-108 beats per minute. This tempo is often used in romantic music and creates a gentle, lyrical mood.

Moderato. Moderato is a moderate tempo, with a range of 108-120 beats per minute. This tempo is often used in pop music and creates a lively, energetic mood.

Allegro. Allegro is a fast tempo, with a range of 120-168 beats per minute. This tempo is often used in jazz and creates a lively, upbeat mood.

Vivace. Vivace is a very fast tempo, with a range of 168-176 beats per minute. This tempo is often used in classical music and creates a bright, lively mood.

Presto. Presto is an extremely fast tempo, with a range of 168-200 beats per minute. This tempo is often used in rock music and creates an intense, energetic mood.

Understanding the different tempos in music is important for musicians and dancers to be able to play or dance to the beat of the music. It can also help listeners appreciate the mood and emotion of a piece of music.

In conclusion, tempo is an essential element of music that can greatly impact the mood and emotion of a piece. From the slow, solemn pace of Largo to the intense, energetic beat of Presto, understanding the different tempos in music can enhance our enjoyment of music and inspire us to move to the beat.




Direction. Write the letter of the correct answer:


Sure, here are 10 multiple-choice questions on the topic of identifying different tempos in music:


1) Which of the following tempos is very slow?

A. Allegro

B. Adagio

C. Andante

D. Presto


2) Which tempo is often used in pop music?

A. Largo

B. Adagio

C. Moderato

D. Allegro


3) Which tempo is often used in classical music to create a lively mood?

A. Vivace

B. Andante

C. Largo

D. Moderato


4) What is the range of beats per minute for a Presto tempo?

A. 40-60

B. 66-76

C. 120-168

D. 168-200


5) What is the range of beats per minute for an Andante tempo?

A. 40-60

B. 66-76

C. 76-108

D. 120-168


6) Which tempo is often used in jazz music?

A. Adagio

B. Allegro

C. Largo

D. Vivace


7) What is the range of beats per minute for a Moderato tempo?

A. 40-60

B. 76-108

C. 108-120

D. 168-176


8) Which tempo is often used in ballet to create a graceful, flowing mood?

A. Allegro

B. Vivace

C. Adagio

D. Largo


9) Which tempo is often used in rock music to create an intense, energetic mood?

A. Allegro

B. Andante

C. Vivace

D. Presto


10) What is the range of beats per minute for a Vivace tempo?

A. 76-108

B. 108-120

C. 120-168

D. 168-176




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